“Practical SVBRDF capture in the frequency domain” by Aittala, Weyrich and Lehtinen

  • ©Miika Aittala, Tim Weyrich, and Jaakko Lehtinen




    Practical SVBRDF capture in the frequency domain

Session/Category Title:   Materials




    Spatially-varying reflectance and small geometric variations play a vital role in the appearance of real-world surfaces. Consequently, robust, automatic capture of such models is highly desirable; however, current systems require either specialized hardware, long capture times, user intervention, or rely heavily on heuristics. We describe an acquisition setup that utilizes only portable commodity hardware (an LCD display, an SLR camera) and contains no moving parts. In particular, a laptop screen can be used for illumination. Our setup, aided by a carefully constructed image formation model, automatically produces realistic spatially-varying reflectance parameters over a wide range of materials from diffuse to almost mirror-like specular surfaces, while requiring relatively few photographs. We believe our system is the first to offer such generality, while requiring only standard office equipment and no user intervention or parameter tuning. Our results exhibit a good qualitative match to photographs taken under novel viewing and lighting conditions for a range of materials.


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