“Postproduction Re-Illumination of Live Action Using Interleaved Lighting” by Gardner, Tchou, Wenger, Debevec and Hawkins

  • ©Andrew Gardner, Chris Tchou, Andreas Wenger, Paul E. Debevec, and Tim Hawkins

  • ©Andrew Gardner, Chris Tchou, Andreas Wenger, Paul E. Debevec, and Tim Hawkins

  • ©Andrew Gardner, Chris Tchou, Andreas Wenger, Paul E. Debevec, and Tim Hawkins




    Postproduction Re-Illumination of Live Action Using Interleaved Lighting



    In this work, we present a technique for capturing a time-varying human performance in such a way that it can be re-illuminated in postproduction. The key idea is to illuminate the subject with a variety of rapidly changing time-multiplexed basis lighting conditions, and to record these lighting conditions with a fast enough video camera so that several or many different basis lighting conditions are recorded during the span of the final video’s desired frame rate. In this poster we present two versions of such a system and propose plans for creating a complete, production-ready device.
    Our first experiment uses two interlaced television monitors showing patterns of just even and just odd lines to light a performance alternately from the left and right at 60fps. A standard interlaced video camera records the performance so that the even lines of the video show the subject illuminated from the left and the odd lines show the subject illuminated from the right. We de-interlace the video into two 30fps progressive streams and take linear combinations of the lighting configurations to produce a novel illumination of the performance running at 30fps (Fig. 2).


    1. Kautz, J., Sloan, P-P., and Snyder, J. 2002. Fast, arbitrary BRDF shading for low-frequencey lighting using spherical harmonics Proceedings of the 13th Eurographics workshop on Rendering (September), 291–296.
    2. Debevec, P., Wenger, A., Tchou, C., Gardner, A., Waese, J., Hawkins, T. 2002. A lighting reproduction approach to live-action compositing SIGGRAPH 2002 (August).

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©Andrew Gardner, Chris Tchou, Andreas Wenger, Paul E. Debevec, and Tim Hawkins


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