“Position-correcting tools for 2D digital fabrication” by Rivers, Moyer and Durand

  • ©Alec Rivers, Ilan E. Moyer, and Frédo Durand




    Position-correcting tools for 2D digital fabrication



    Many kinds of digital fabrication are accomplished by precisely moving a tool along a digitally-specified path. This precise motion is typically accomplished fully automatically using a computer-controlled multi-axis stage. With that approach, one can only create objects smaller than the positioning stage, and large stages can be quite expensive. We propose a new approach to precise positioning of a tool that combines manual and automatic positioning: in our approach, the user coarsely positions a frame containing the tool in an approximation of the desired path, while the device tracks the frame’s location and adjusts the position of the tool within the frame to correct the user’s positioning error in real time. Because the automatic positioning need only cover the range of the human’s positioning error, this frame can be small and inexpensive, and because the human has unlimited range, such a frame can be used to precisely position tools over an unlimited range.


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