“POCOMZ: ambient media device with IM application “wija”” by Sakamoto, Saito, Shigefuji, Takahashi and Inakage

  • ©Kyoichi Sakamoto, Kenji Saito, Aye Shigefuji, Anna Takahashi, and Masa Inakage




    POCOMZ: ambient media device with IM application "wija"

Session/Category Title:   Talk to My Agent



    An ambient media device that works with instant-messenger applications to provide a new way of internet-based communication. Real-space ambience is produced through virtual connection with other people.


    1. Dahley, A., Wisneski, C., Ishii, H., Warter Lamp and Pinwheels:Ambient Projection of Digital Information into Architectural Space(short paper), in Summary of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(CHI’98), (Los Angeles, April 1998), ACM Press,
    2. Peter Saint-Andre (Ed). Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging and Presence, November 2004. RFC 3921

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