“Plant models faithful to botanical structure and development” by de Reffye, Edelin, Françon, Jaeger and Puech

  • ©Phillippe de Reffye, Claude Edelin, Jean Françon, Marc Jaeger, and Claude Puech




    Plant models faithful to botanical structure and development



    Some very impressive results have been obtained in the past few years in plants and trees image synthesis. Some algorithms are largely based on the irregularity and fuzziness of the objects, and use fractals, graftals or particle systems. Others focus on the branching pattern of the trees with emphasis on morphology. Our concern here is the faithfulness of the models to the botanical nature of trees and plants. We present a model which integrates botanical knowledge of the architecture of the trees: how they grow, how they occupy space, where and how leaves, flowers or fruits are located, etc. The very first interest of the model we propose is its great richness: the same procedural methods can produce “plants” as different as weeping willows, fir trees, cedar trees, frangipani trees, poplars, pine trees, wild cherry trees, herbs, etc. Another very important benefit one can derive from the model is the integration of time which enables viewing the aging of a tree (possibility to get different pictures of the same tree at different ages, accurate simulation of the death of leaves and branches for example). The ease to integrate physical parameters such as wind, the incidence of factors such as insects attacks, use of fertilizers, plantation density, and so on makes it a useful tool for agronomy or botany.


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