“Pixar’s Soul and the Search for Authenticity” by Wiggum, Fong, Wilson, MacMahon, Simon, et al. …

  • ©Chris Wiggum, Michael Fong, Britta Wilson, Mara MacMahon, Jaclyn Simon, Sean Muriithi, Bryn Imagire, Ian Megibben, and Junyi Ling




    Pixar’s Soul and the Search for Authenticity


Project Affiliation:

    Pixar Animation Studios


    The production of Soul faced many immense challenges, not to mention building a dialogue across all elements of the pipeline to help ensure an authentic approach to portraying a culturally specific story onscreen. In this production session, hear from a cross section of people who worked as artists on the film, along with those who participated in the “cultural trust” which helped guide many of the artistic choices along the way.


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