“Piecewise surface flattening for non-distorted texture mapping” by Bennis, Vézien and Iglésias

  • ©Chakib Bennis, Jean-Marc Vézien, and Gérard Iglésias




    Piecewise surface flattening for non-distorted texture mapping



    This paper introduces new techniques for interactive piecewise flattening of parametric 3-D surfaces, leading to a non-distorted, hence realistic, texture mapping. Cuts are allowed on the mapped texture and we make a compromise between discontinuities and distortions. These techniques are based on results from differential geometry, more precisely on the notion of “geodesic curvature”: isoparametric curves of the surface are mapped, in a constructive way, onto curves in the texture plane with preservation of geodesic curvature at each point. As an application, we give a concrete example which is a first step towards an efficient and robust CAD tool for shoe modeling.


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