“Perceptual evaluation of liquid simulation methods” by Um, Hu and Thuerey

  • ©Kiwon Um, Xiangyu Hu, and Nils Thuerey




    Perceptual evaluation of liquid simulation methods

Session/Category Title:   Fluids III




    This paper proposes a novel framework to evaluate fluid simulation methods based on crowd-sourced user studies in order to robustly gather large numbers of opinions. The key idea for a robust and reliable evaluation is to use a reference video from a carefully selected real-world setup in the user study. By conducting a series of controlled user studies and comparing their evaluation results, we observe various factors that affect the perceptual evaluation. Our data show that the availability of a reference video makes the evaluation consistent. We introduce this approach for computing scores of simulation methods as visual accuracy metric. As an application of the proposed framework, a variety of popular simulation methods are evaluated.


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