“Perception of Scale with Distance in 3D Visualization” by Cheng and Boulanger

  • ©Irene Cheng and Pierre Boulanger

  • ©Irene Cheng and Pierre Boulanger

  • ©Irene Cheng and Pierre Boulanger



Entry Number: 080


    Perception of Scale with Distance in 3D Visualization



    In this poster we describe preliminary work relating the perception of scale (the variance parameter in scale-space filtering) with distance, for applications in 3D online visualization. 3D geometry and texture simplification can be based on scale-space analysis of the surface curvature and feature point distribution, to facilitate online transmission. The scale-space approach differs from other simplification approaches [1,2] in that a few parameters can be used to mathematically control the extent of simplification, and joint texture/mesh simplification is possible with a trade-off between texture and mesh transmission. We will outline our approach to joint TexMesh simplification (differing from purely surface simplification [3]) using scale-space filtering, followed by a description of how scale is perceived by human observers for 3D objects.


    1. D. P. Luebke, “A Developer’s Survey of Polygonal Simplification Algorithms”, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2001.
    2. H. Hoppe, “Progressive meshes” Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1996.
    3. M. Pauly et al., “Multi-scale feature extraction on point-sampled surfaces,” Eurographics 2003, Granada, Spain.
    4. A. P. Witkin, “Scale-space filtering,” IJCAI, 1983, pp. 1019–1022.
    5. P. Boulanger et al., “Intrinsic filtering of range images using a physically based noise model,” Vision Interface 2002, Calgary, Canada.


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