“Per-pixel smooth shader level of detail” by Simmons and Shreiner

  • ©Maryann Simmons and Dave Shreiner




    Per-pixel smooth shader level of detail

Session/Category Title:   Level of Detail



    An investigation of per-pixel shader level-of-detail techniques for interactive applications, focusing on the choice of LOD at run-time and smooth transitioning between levels utilizing MlP-mapping hardware.


    1. AKENINE-MOLLER, T., AND HAINES, E. 2002. Real-time Rendering, second ed. AK Peters.
    2. OLANO, M., AND KUEHNE, B. 2002. SGI OpenGL Shader level-of-detail shader white paper. Tech. rep., SGI.
    3. PEERCY, M. S., OLANO, M., AIREY, J., AND UNGAR, P. J. 2000. Interactive multi-pass programmable shading. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, ACM, 425–432.

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