“Out-of-core compression for gigantic polygon meshes” by Isenburg and Gumhold

  • ©Martin Isenburg and Stefan Gumhold




    Out-of-core compression for gigantic polygon meshes



    Polygonal models acquired with emerging 3D scanning technology or from large scale CAD applications easily reach sizes of several gigabytes and do not fit in the address space of common 32-bit desktop PCs. In this paper we propose an out-of-core mesh compression technique that converts such gigantic meshes into a streamable, highly compressed representation. During decompression only a small portion of the mesh needs to be kept in memory at any time. As full connectivity information is available along the decompression boundaries, this provides seamless mesh access for incremental in-core processing on gigantic meshes. Decompression speeds are CPU-limited and exceed one million vertices and two million triangles per second on a 1.8 GHz Athlon processor.A novel external memory data structure provides our compression engine with transparent access to arbitrary large meshes. This out-of-core mesh was designed to accommodate the access pattern of our region-growing based compressor, which – in return – performs mesh queries as seldom and as local as possible by remembering previous queries as long as needed and by adapting its traversal slightly. The achieved compression rates are state-of-the-art.


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