“On the Organization of a Remote Low Cost Intelligent Graphics Terminal” by Dill and Thomas

  • ©John C. Dill and James J. Thomas




    On the Organization of a Remote Low Cost Intelligent Graphics Terminal

Session/Category Title:   Software for Satellite Graphics




    This paper describes the organization of software for an intelligent graphics terminal. The motivations for undertaking this work were twofold. First, current computer-aided design work at General Motors is making increasingly heavy use of IBM 2250/III graphics terminals which are expensive and generally must be connected by channel to the host. There has also been an increasing demand for remote graphics terminals. Thus our primary goal was development of a (relatively) low cost terminal and one which could be remoted. A second goal was development of a base for further work in the general area of remote processing (e.g. the division of labor problem) for graphics.


    1. Cotton, I. W. and F. S. Creatorex. “Structures and techniques for remote computer graphics.” Proc. 1968 FJCC, 37, AFIPS Press, Montvale, N.J., 533-544.
    2. Cotton, I. W. “Languages for graphic attention handling.” Proc. Computer Graphics 70 Symposium, Brunel University, April 1970.
    3. Hobbs, L. C. “The rationale for smart terminals.” Computer, Nov.-Dec. 1971, 33-55.
    4. Hobbs, L. C. “Terminals.” Proc. IEEE, 60, 1972, 1273-1284.
    5. Joyce, J. D. and 14.C. Cianciolo. “Reactive displays–improving man-machine graphical communications.” Proc. AFIPS 1967 FJCC, 31, 713-721.
    6. Machover, C. “The intelligent terminal.” Pertinent Concepts in Computer Graphics, Proc. 2nd U. of Illinois Conf. on Computer Graphics, Farman an Nievergelt (eds.), University of Illinois press, Urbana, 1969, 179-189.
    7. Marcotty, M. and H. Schutz. “The systems programming language Malus.” Software-Practice and Experience, 4(1), 1974, 79-90.
    8. Prince, D. M. Interactive Graphics for Computer-Aided Design. 1971. Addison-Wesley.
    9. Ryden, K. H. and C. M. Newton. “Graphics software for remote terminals and their use in radiation treatment planning.” Proc. AFIPS 1972 SJCC. AFIPS Press, Montvale, N.J., 1145-1156.
    10. van Dam, A. and G. M. Stabler. “Intelligent satellites for interactive graphics.” Proc. AFIPS 1973 NCC, AFIPS Press, Montvale, N.J., 229-238

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