“On-site real-time 3D match move for MR-based previsualization with relighting” by Ichikari, Kikuchi, Toishita, Tenmoku, Shibata, et al. …

  • ©Ryosuke Ichikari, Kaori Kikuchi, Wataru Toishita, Ryuhei Tenmoku, Fumihisa Shibata, and Hideyuki Tamura




    On-site real-time 3D match move for MR-based previsualization with relighting



    We are developing a previsualization method called MR-PreViz, which utilizes mixed reality technology for filmmaking [Tenmoku et al. 2006]. To determine camera-work at the shooting site, estimating camera position and posture is required. In this paper, we introduce a method for on-site real-time 3D match move and relighting for MR-PreViz. To realize the match move, we developed a computer vision-based camera tracking method using natural feature tracking. This method is based on details about the site captured in advance. The method can automatically construct a feature landmark database (LMDB) using a fiducial marker. Moreover, the result of the method enables MR-PreViz to design lighting for the site using a relighting method. To add lighting effects to the real objects, the relighting method uses reflectance properties of the real objects and LMDB.


    1. Ichikari, R., Hatano, R., Ohshima, T., Shibata, F., and Tamura, H. 2009. Designing cinematic lighting by relighting in mr-based pre-visualization. In SIGGRAPH ASIA Posters.
    2. Tenmoku, R., Ichikari, R., Shibata, F., Kimura, A., and Tamura, H. 2006. Design and prototype implementation of mr pre-visualization workflow. In DVD-ROM Proc. of the Int’l Workshop on Mixed Reality Technology for Filmmaking, 1–7.

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