“Object-space multiphase implicit functions” by Yuan, Yu and Wang

  • ©Zhan Yuan, Yizhou Yu, and Wenping Wang




    Object-space multiphase implicit functions



    Implicit functions have a wide range of applications in entertainment, engineering and medical imaging. A standard two-phase implicit function only represents the interior and exterior of a single object. To facilitate solid modeling of heterogeneous objects with multiple internal regions, object-space multiphase implicit functions are much desired. Multiphase implicit functions have much potential in modeling natural organisms, heterogeneous mechanical parts and anatomical atlases. In this paper, we introduce a novel class of object-space multiphase implicit functions that are capable of accurately and compactly representing objects with multiple internal regions. Our proposed multiphase implicit functions facilitate true object-space geometric modeling of heterogeneous objects with non-manifold features. We present multiple methods to create object-space multiphase implicit functions from existing data, including meshes and segmented medical images. Our algorithms are inspired by machine learning algorithms for training multicategory max-margin classifiers. Comparisons demonstrate that our method achieves an error rate one order of magnitude smaller than alternative techniques.


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