“Object shape and reflectance modeling from observation”

  • ©Yoichi Sato, Mark D. Wheeler, and Katsushi Ikeuchi




    Object shape and reflectance modeling from observation

Session/Category Title:   Texture, Reflection, and Design

Course Organizer(s):



    An object model for computer graphics applications should contain two aspects of information: shape and reflectance properties of the
    object. A number of techniques have been developed for modeling object shapes by observing real objects. In contrast, attempts to model reflectance properties of real objects have been rather limited. In most cases, modeled reflectance properties are too simple or too complicated to be used for synthesizing realistic images of the object.

    In this paper, we propose a new method for modeling object reflectance properties, as well as object shapes, by observing real objects. First, an object surface shape is reconstructed by merging multiple range images of the object. By using the reconstructed object shape and a sequence of color images of the object, parameters of a reflection model are estimated in a robust manner. The key point of the proposed method is that, first, the diffuse and specular reflection components are separated from the color image sequence, and then, reflectance parameters of each reflection component are estimated separately. This approach enables estimation of reflectance properties of real objects whose surfaces show specularity as well as diffusely reflected lights. The recovered object shape and reflectance properties are then used for synthesizing object images with realistic shading effects under arbitrary illumination conditions.


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