“NeuroAnimator: fast neural network emulation and control of physics-based models” by Grzeszczuk, Terzopoulos and Hinton

  • ©Radek Grzeszczuk, Demetri Terzopoulos, and Geoffrey Hinton




    NeuroAnimator: fast neural network emulation and control of physics-based models



    Animation through the numerical simulation of physics-based graphics models offers unsurpassed realism, but it can be computationally demanding. Likewise, the search for controllers that enable physics-based models to produce desired animations usually entails formidable computational cost. This paper demonstrates the possibility of replacing the numerical simulation and control of dynamic models with a dramatically more efficient alternative. In particular, we propose the NeuroAnimator, a novel approach to creating physically realistic animation that exploits neural networks. NeuroAnimators are automatically trained off-line to emulate physical dynamics through the observation of physics-based models in action. Depending on the model, its neural network emulator can yield physically realistic animation one or two orders of magnitude faster than conventional numerical simulation. Furthermore, by exploiting the network structure of the NeuroAnimator, we introduce a fast algorithm for learning controllers that enables either physics-based models or their neural network emulators to synthesize motions satisfying prescribed animation goals. We demonstrate NeuroAnimators for a variety of physics-based models.


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