“Multi-scale image harmonization” by Sunkavalli, Johnson, Matusik and Pfister
- Multi-scale image harmonization
Traditional image compositing techniques, such as alpha matting and gradient domain compositing, are used to create composites that have plausible boundaries. But when applied to images taken from different sources or shot under different conditions, these techniques can produce unrealistic results. In this work, we present a framework that explicitly matches the visual appearance of images through a process we call image harmonization, before blending them. At the heart of this framework is a multi-scale technique that allows us to transfer the appearance of one image to another. We show that by carefully manipulating the scales of a pyramid decomposition of an image, we can match contrast, texture, noise, and blur, while avoiding image artifacts. The output composite can then be reconstructed from the modified pyramid coefficients while enforcing both alpha-based and seamless boundary constraints. We show how the proposed framework can be used to produce realistic composites with minimal user interaction in a number of different scenarios.
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