“Motion texture: a two-level statistical model for character motion synthesis”

  • ©Yan Li, Tianshu Wang, and Heung-Yeung Shum

  • ©Yan Li, Tianshu Wang, and Heung-Yeung Shum




    Motion texture: a two-level statistical model for character motion synthesis



    In this paper, we describe a novel technique, called motion texture, for synthesizing complex human-figure motion (e.g., dancing) that is statistically similar to the original motion captured data. We define motion texture as a set of motion textons and their distribution, which characterize the stochastic and dynamic nature of the captured motion. Specifically, a motion texton is modeled by a linear dynamic system (LDS) while the texton distribution is represented by a transition matrix indicating how likely each texton is switched to another. We have designed a maximum likelihood algorithm to learn the motion textons and their relationship from the captured dance motion. The learnt motion texture can then be used to generate new animations automatically and/or edit animation sequences interactively. Most interestingly, motion texture can be manipulated at different levels, either by changing the fine details of a specific motion at the texton level or by designing a new choreography at the distribution level. Our approach is demonstrated by many synthesized sequences of visually compelling dance motion.


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