“Modeling friction and air effects between cloth and deformable bodies” by Chen, Wang and Feng

  • ©Zhili Chen, Huamin Wang, and Renguo Feng




    Modeling friction and air effects between cloth and deformable bodies

Session/Category Title:   Data-Driven Animation




    Real-world cloth exhibits complex behaviors when it contacts deformable bodies. In this paper, we study how to improve the simulation of cloth-body interactions from three perspectives: collision, friction, and air pressure. We propose an efficient and robust algorithm to detect the collisions between cloth and deformable bodies, using the surface traversal technique. We develop a friction measurement device and we use it to capture frictional data from real-world experiments. The derived friction model can realistically handle complex friction properties of cloth, including anisotropy and nonlinearity. To produce pressure effects caused by the air between cloth and deformable bodies, we define an air mass field on the cloth layer and we use real-world air permeability data to animate it over time. Our results demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of our system in simulating objects with a three-layer structure (i.e., a cloth layer, an air layer, and an inner body layer), such as pillows, comforters, down jackets, and stuffed toys.


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