“Modeling Cell Layers on Complex Surfaces Using Constrained Voronoi Diagrams” by Wood

  • ©Fiona Wood

  • ©Fiona Wood

  • ©Fiona Wood



Entry Number: 70


    Modeling Cell Layers on Complex Surfaces Using Constrained Voronoi Diagrams



    Voronoi diagrams, found in the morphology of many biological structures, produce natural-looking networks of cells in two dimensions. But creating three dimensional models of cell layers in biological tissue is difficult when the tissue has a complex shape. I present a new method that constrains a Voronoi diagram to an arbitrary surface. Unlike other approaches, my method does not require computationally expensive boundary intersection calculations.


    1. Mackercher, P. A., Ivey, K. J., Baskin, W. N., and Krause, W. J. 1978. A scanning electron microscopic study of normal human oxyntic mucosa using blunt dissection and freeze fracture. Am J Dig Dis 23, 5, 449–59.
    2. Yan, D.-M., Wang, W., Lévy, B., and Liu, Y. 2010. Efficient computation of 3d clipped voronoi diagram. In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, GMP’10, 269–282.

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©Fiona Wood


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