“Modeling and Rendering of Impossible Figures” by Wu, Fu, Yeung, Jia and Tang

  • ©Tai-Pang Wu, Chi-Wing Fu, Sai-Kit Yeung, Jiaya Jia, and Chi-Keung Tang




    Modeling and Rendering of Impossible Figures



    This article introduces an optimization approach for modeling and rendering impossible figures. Our solution is inspired by how modeling artists construct physical 3D models to produce a valid 2D view of an impossible figure. Given a set of 3D locally possible parts of the figure, our algorithm automatically optimizes a view-dependent 3D model, subject to the necessary 3D constraints for rendering the impossible figure at the desired novel viewpoint. A linear and constrained least-squares solution to the optimization problem is derived, thereby allowing an efficient computation and rendering new views of impossible figures at interactive rates. Once the optimized model is available, a variety of compelling rendering effects can be applied to the impossible figure.


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