“MobiSpray: Mobile Phone as Virtual Spray Can for Painting BIG Anytime Anywhere on Anything” by Scheible and Ojala

  • ©Jürgen Scheible and Timo Ojala




    MobiSpray: Mobile Phone as Virtual Spray Can for Painting BIG Anytime Anywhere on Anything



    This paper presents MobiSpray, a novel interactive art tool for creating ubiquitous ephemeral digital art. The mobile phone is employed as a virtual spray can to spray dabs of digital paint onto the physical environment via large-scale projections. The gesture-based control of the mobile phone provides a natural pointing mechanism for the virtual spray can. Experiences from extensive field use around the world testify in favor of a successful design. Most importantly, MobiSpray liberates and empowers the artist to change the environment via large-scale artistic expressions.


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    14. Graffiti Research Lab: http://graffitiresearchlab.com/.

    15. Tag tool: http://www.tagtool.org/.

    16. Banksy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banksy.

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    19. Digital Fringe: http://digitalfringe.com.au/?q=node/25.

    20. Friedensreich Hundertwasser: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundertwasser.

    21. J. Scheible, V. Tuulos, Mobile Python: Rapid Prototyping of Applications on the Mobile Platform (Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 2007).

    22. Pygame – python game development: http://www.pygame.org.

    23. Nintendo Wii remote: http://wii.nintendo.com.

    24. Graffiti Research Lab: http://graffitiresearchlab.com/.

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    31. Flash mob: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_mob.

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