“Minimal GKS” by Simons

  • ©Randall W. Simons




    Minimal GKS



    Minimal GKS is a subset of the Draft International Standard Graphical Kernel System. Minimal GKS has been implemented at Sandia in the programming language C. This implementation confirms that Minimal GKS does indeed have the anticipated advantages of easy implementation and small size. Experience in using this implementation has also demonstrated that Minimal GKS is easy to learn and use, yet is powerful enough for non-trivial, real-world applications.


    1. ANSI. “Proposal for an ANSI X3 Standards Project for the Programmer’s Minimal Interface to Graphics”, ANSI Doc. X3H3/81-87 (December 1981).
    2. ANSI. “X3H35 Issues”, ANSI Doc. X3H3/83-11 (February 1983).
    3. Erickson, K. M. and Simons, R. W. “Functional Specification of the Sandia Virtual Device Interface (SVDI)”, SAND81-1900, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM (February 1982).
    4. Isner, J. F. “A Fortran Programming Methodology Based on Data Abstraction”, Comm. Assoc. Comput. Mach. Vol. 25(10), pp. 686-697 (October 1982).
    5. ISO. “Graphical Kernel System (GKS) – Functional Description”, Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 7942 (November 1982).
    6. Rosenthal, D. S. H., and ten Hagen, P. J. W. “GKS in C”, Proceedings of EUROGRAPHICS ’82 pp. 359-369 (September 1982).

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