“Metropolis Procedural Modeling” by Talton, Lou, Lesser, Duke, Mech, et al. …

  • ©Jerry Talton, Yu Lou, Steve Lesser, Jared Duke, Radomir Mech, and Vladlen Koltun




    Metropolis Procedural Modeling



    Procedural representations provide powerful means for generating complex geometric structures. They are also notoriously difficult to control. In this article, we present an algorithm for controlling grammar-based procedural models. Given a grammar and a high-level specification of the desired production, the algorithm computes a production from the grammar that conforms to the specification. This production is generated by optimizing over the space of possible productions from the grammar. The algorithm supports specifications of many forms, including geometric shapes and analytical objectives. We demonstrate the algorithm on procedural models of trees, cities, buildings, and Mondrian paintings.


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