“Magic boards” by Wallick and Gleicher

  • ©Michael Wallick and Michael Gleicher

  • ©Michael Wallick and Michael Gleicher




    Magic boards



    Augmenting a video with special effects can produce visually compelling and interesting results. For example, the television newscast of a weatherman often contains graphics and animation. To create such mixes of live and synthetic media, the presentation must be carefully planned. By contrast an interaction using a marker or chalkboard (eg. a lecture or meeting) can be more spontaneous and requires a lesser amount of planning. While it is simple to capture such an interaction with a video camera, that video is often unsatisfactory. For example the board may be difficult to read because of low resolution or sloppy writing. Or the video itself may just be boring. We want to be able to augment the board with special effects (such as in the weatherman example) without giving up the flexibility of traditional board interaction.


    1. Michael L. Gleicher, Rachel M. Heck, and Michael N. Wallick. A framework for virtual videography. In Proceedings SmartGraphics 2002, June 2002.
    2. Michael N. Wallick, Rachel M. Heck, and Michael L. Gleicher. Chalkboard and marker regions. In Mirage 2005 – Computer Vision/Computer Graphics Collaboration Techniques and Applications, March 2005.

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©Michael Wallick and Michael Gleicher

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