“Local Fourier Slice Photography” by Lessig

  • ©Christian Lessig




    Local Fourier Slice Photography

Session/Category Title:   RGB++: Depth, 3D, and Light Fields



    Light field cameras provide intriguing possibilities, such as post-capture refocus or the ability to synthesize images from novel viewpoints. This comes, however, at the price of significant storage requirements. Compression techniques can be used to reduce these, but refocusing and reconstruction require so far, again, a dense pixel representation. To avoid this, we introduce local Fourier slice photography that allows for refocused image reconstruction directly from a sparse wavelet representation of a light field, either to obtain an image or a compressed representation of it. The result is made possible by wavelets that respect the “slicing’s” intrinsic structure and enable us to derive exact reconstruction filters for the refocused image in closed-form. Image reconstruction then amounts to applying these filters to the light field’s wavelet coefficients; hence, no reconstruction of a dense pixel representation is required. We demonstrate that this can reduce storage requirements and also computation times. We furthermore analyze the computational complexity of our algorithm and show that it scales linearly with the size of the reconstructed region and the non-negligible wavelet coefficients, i.e., with the visual complexity.


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