“LLP+: multi-touch sensing using cross plane infrared laser light for interactive based displays” by Park and Han

  • ©Jae-Hee Park and Tackdon Han

  • ©Jae-Hee Park and Tackdon Han



Entry Number: 89


    LLP+: multi-touch sensing using cross plane infrared laser light for interactive based displays



    Multi-touch sensing exists in a number of applications and is presently used in personal computing devices (i.e. laptops and desktop computers), mobile touch screens, kiosks, Interactive wall displays (i.e. subway station map), ATMS, and any display requiring an interactive platform. Current multi-touch sensing methods use capacitive and or resistive based touchscreens both which are expensive and difficult to make. Infrared based touchscreens is being studied as an alternative method that is effective and low-cost solution of producing equal results particularly with large interactive displays.


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