“Live paint: painting with procedural multiscale textures” by Perlin and Velho

  • ©Ken Perlin and Luiz Velho




    Live paint: painting with procedural multiscale textures



    We present actively procedural multiresolution paint textures. Texture elements may be linearly combined to create complex composite textures that continue to refine themselves when viewed at successively greater magnification. Actively procedural textures constitute a powerful drawing tool that can be used in a multiresolution paint system. They provide a mechanism to generate an infinite amount of detail with a simple and compact representation. We give several examples of procedural textures and show how to create different painting effects with them.


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    7. Joan M. Ogden, Edward H. Adelson, J.R. Bergen, and Peter J. Burt. Pyramid-based computer graphics. RCA Engineer, 30(5):4-13, September-October 1985.
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    9. Ken Perlin. An image synthesizer. Computer Graphics (SIG- GRAPH ’85 Proceedings), 19(3):287-293, 1985.
    10. Ken Perlin and Luiz Velho. A wavelet representation for unbounded resolution painting. Technical report, New York University, New York, 1992.
    11. Lance Williams. Pyramidal parametrics. Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH ’83 Proceedings), 17(3):1-11, July 1983.
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