“Linear Bellman combination for control of character animation” by da Silva, Durand and Popović

  • ©Marco da Silva, Frédo Durand, and Jovan Popović




    Linear Bellman combination for control of character animation



    Controllers are necessary for physically-based synthesis of character animation. However, creating controllers requires either manual tuning or expensive computer optimization. We introduce linear Bellman combination as a method for reusing existing controllers. Given a set of controllers for related tasks, this combination creates a controller that performs a new task. It naturally weights the contribution of each component controller by its relevance to the current state and goal of the system. We demonstrate that linear Bellman combination outperforms naive combination often succeeding where naive combination fails. Furthermore, this combination is provably optimal for a new task if the component controllers are also optimal for related tasks. We demonstrate the applicability of linear Bellman combination to interactive character control of stepping motions and acrobatic maneuvers.


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