“lgf3 – A Versatile Framework for Image-based Modeling and Rendering” by Vogelgsang and Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner

  • ©Christian Vogelgsang and Gunther Greiner




    lgf3 - A Versatile Framework for Image-based Modeling and Rendering

Session/Category Title:   Image-Based Rendering



    Image-based modeling and rendering are investigated in both the computer graphics and the computer vision community with different focus. Although both share many ideas, cooperative work is hard due to subtle differences in notion or application. To remedy this problem, the lgf3 framework was devised to provide a common foundation for application development combining both fields. State of the art rendering techniques can now be used in direct com- bination with advanced computer vision techniques.


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