“Level of detail continuum for huge geometric data” by Duguet, Hernandez, Drettakis and Schmitt

  • ©Florent Duguet, Carlos Hernandez, George Drettakis, and Francis Schmitt

  • ©Florent Duguet, Carlos Hernandez, George Drettakis, and Francis Schmitt




    Level of detail continuum for huge geometric data



    We propose a unified solution for the creation of levels of detail on very large input data. We build a hierarchical signed distance function in an octree around the data and use this hierarchy to generate a continuum of levels of detail. Our distance function construction, based on the Gradient Vector Flow and the Poisson equation, builds on multigrid resolution algorithms. Using an appropriate interpolation scheme within the octree we obtain a continuous hierarchical distance function, which allows us to define a continuum of levels of detail for huge geometries. During this process, holes and undersampling issues in the input data are automatically corrected. Three applications of our hierarchy have been developped: a novel hierarchical deformable model scheme that can automatically reconstruct closed Eulerian meshes of up to a million faces in a few minutes, an alternate distance-driven contouring approach, and raytracing of huge data models.


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    3. Garland, M., and Heckbert, P. S. 1997. Surface simplification using quadric error metrics. In SIGGRAPH 2000 Proceedings, ACM, 209–216.
    4. Hernandez, C., and Schmitt, F. 2004. Silhouette and stereo fusion for 3d object modeling. CVIU 96, 3, 367–392.
    5. Hoppe, H. 1996. Progressive meshes. In SIGGRAPH’96 Proceedings, ACM, 99–108.

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©Florent Duguet, Carlos Hernandez, George Drettakis, and Francis Schmitt ©Florent Duguet, Carlos Hernandez, George Drettakis, and Francis Schmitt

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