“Layered depth images” by Shade, Gortler, He and Szeliski

  • ©Jonathan Shade, Steven J. Gortler, Li-Wei He, and Richard Szeliski




    Layered depth images



    In this paper we present a set of efficient image based rendering methods capable of rendering multiple frames per second on a PC. The first method warps Sprites with Depth representing smooth surfaces without the gaps found in other techniques. A second method for more general scenes performs warping from an intermediate representation called a Layered Depth Image (LDI). An LDI is a view of the scene from a single input camera view, but with multiple pixels along each line of sight. The size of the representation grows only linearly with the observed depth complexity in the scene. Moreover, because the LDI data are represented in a single image coordinate system, McMillan’s warp ordering algorithm can be successfully adapted. As a result, pixels are drawn in the output image in back-to-front order. No z-buffer is required, so alpha-compositing can be done efficiently without depth sorting. This makes splatting an efficient solution to the resampling problem.


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