“Layered analysis of irregular facades via symmetry maximization” by Zhang, Xu, Lin, Cohen-Or and Chen

  • ©Hao Zhang, Kai Xu, Jinjie Lin, Daniel Cohen-Or, and Baoquan Chen




    Layered analysis of irregular facades via symmetry maximization

Session/Category Title:   Structures, Faces & Building




    We present an algorithm for hierarchical and layered analysis of irregular facades, seeking a high-level understanding of facade structures. By introducing layering into the analysis, we no longer view a facade as a flat structure, but allow it to be structurally separated into depth layers, enabling more compact and natural interpretations of building facades. Computationally, we perform a symmetry-driven search for an optimal hierarchical decomposition defined by split and layering operations applied to an input facade. The objective is symmetry maximization, i.e., to maximize the sum of symmetry of the substructures resulting from recursive decomposition. To this end, we propose a novel integral symmetry measure, which behaves well at both ends of the symmetry spectrum by accounting for all partial symmetries in a discrete structure. Our analysis results in a structural representation, which can be utilized for structural editing and exploration of building facades.


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