“It/I: theater with an automatic and reactive computer graphics character” by Pinhanez and Bobick
Interest Area:
- Art / Design and Synthetic Actors
- It/I: theater with an automatic and reactive computer graphics character
Session/Category Title: Hyperformance
“lt/l” is an experimental play featuring a computer graphics character projected on screens. The character uses computer vision to recognize and react to the actions of the human actor.
1. 1 Yuri Ivanov, Aaron Bobick, and John Liu. Fast lighting independent back ground subtraction. In IEEE ICCV’98 Workshop on Visual Surveillance. Bombay, January 1998.
2. 2 Claudio S. Pinhanez. Computer theater. In Proc. of the Eighth International Symposium on Electronic Arts (ISEA’97). Chicago, September 1997.
3. 3 Claudio S. Pinhanez and Aaron F. Bobick. “It/I:” A theater play featuring an autonomous computer graphics character. MIT Media Laboratory Perceptual Computing Section Technical Report #455, January 1998.