“Interval analysis for computer graphics” by Snyder

  • ©John M. Snyder




    Interval analysis for computer graphics



    No abstract available.


    1. Alefeld, G., and J. Hcrzberger, Introduction to Interval Computations, Academic Press, New York, 1983.
    2. Bajaj, C., C. Hoffman, J. Hopcrofl, and R. Lynch, “Tracing Surface intersections,” Cm~uterAided Geometric Design, 5, 1988, pp. 285-307.
    3. Kalr~ Devendra, and Alan H. Ban-, “Guaranteed Ray Intersections with Implicit Surfaces,” Computer Graphics, 23(3), July 1989, pp. 297-304.
    4. Mitchell, Don, “Robust Ray Intersections with Interval Arithn~tic,” Proceedings Graphics Interface ’90, May 1990, pp. 68-74.
    5. Mitchell, Don, “.Throe Applications of Interval Analysis in Computer Graphics,” Course Notes for Frontiers in Rendenng, Siggraph ’91.
    6. Moore, R.E., Interval Analysis, Prentice Hail, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1966.
    7. Moore, R.E., Methods and Applications of Interval Analysis, SIAM, Philadelphia.
    8. Moore, R.E. “New Results on Nonlinear Systems,” in Interval Mathematics 1980, Karl Nickel, ed., Academic Press, New York, 1980, pp. 165-180.
    9. Mudur, S.P.0 and P.A. Koparkar, “‘Interval Methods fog Processing Geometric Objects,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 4(2), Feb, 1984, pp. 7-17.
    10. Ratschek” H. and i. Rokne, New Computer Methods for Global Optimization, Ellis H~ Limited, Chichestet, England, 1988.
    11. Segal, Mark, “Using Tolerances to Guarantee Valid Polyhedral Modeling Results,” Computer Graphics, 24(4), August 1990, pp. 105-114.
    12. Snyder, John, Generative Modeling: An Approach W High Level Shape Design for Computer Graphics and CAD, Ph.D. Thesis, California Institute of Technology, 1991.
    13. Snyder, John, “Generative Modeling: A Symbolic System for Geometric Modeling,” to he published in Siggraph “92.
    14. Snydex, John, Generative Modeling for Computer Graphics and CAD: Symbolic Shape Design Using Interval Analysis, to be published by Academic Press, summer 1992.
    15. Suffem, Kevin G., and Edward Facket~ll, “‘Interval Methods in Computer Graphics,” Proceedingsof Ausgraph ’90. Melbourne, Australia, 1990, pp. 35-44
    16. Timmer, H.G., Analytic Backgroundfor Computation of Surface intersections, Douglas Aircraft Company Technical Memorandum CI-250-CAT- 77-036~ April 1977.
    17. Toth, Daniel L., “‘On Ray Tracing Parametric Surfaces,” Computer Graphics, 19(3), July 1985, pp. 171-179.
    18. VonHetzen, Brian P. and Alan H. Barr,”Accentc Sampling of Deformed, Intersecting Surfaces with Quadtroes,” Computer Graphics, 21(4), July 1987, pp. 103- i 10.
    19. Vee Hetzen, Brian P., Applications of Surface Networ~ to Sampling Problems in Computer Graphics, Ph.D. Thesis, California In#titut~ of Technology, 1989.
    20. Von Herzen, B. A.H. Bart, and HR. Zatz, “Geometric Collisions for Time-~nt P~c Surfaces,” Computer Graphics, 24(4), August 1990, pp. 39-48.

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