“Interactive Segmentation for Manga” by Aramaki, Matsui, Yamasaki and Aizawa
Entry Number: 58
- Interactive Segmentation for Manga
There are only a few effective segmentation methods designed for line drawings. Smart Scribbles [Noris et al. 2012] is one of the state-of-the-art interactive segmentation methods for line drawings. However, it can accept only a vector image composed of a relatively small number of strokes with temporal information. Therefore it is hard to apply Smart Scribbles directly to manga images because they are raster images with a lot of strokes and without temporal information. We propose a method for interactively segmenting manga images. The proposed method consists of (1) vectorization, (2) labeling and (3) rasterization, and it enables users to segment a complicated manga images by simpler operations than Smart Scribbles and the Quick Selection Tool of Adobe Photoshop®.
- Noris, G., Sykora D., Shamir, A., Coros, S., Whited, B., Simmons, M., Hornung, A., Gross, M., and Sumner, R. 2012. Smart scribbles for sketch segmentation. In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 31, 2516–2527.