“Interactive pen-and-ink rendering for implicit surfaces” by Schmidt, Isenberg and Wyvill

  • ©Ryan Schmidt, Tobias Isenberg, and Brian Wyvill




    Interactive pen-and-ink rendering for implicit surfaces

Session/Category Title:   Paint & Produce



    Low-resolution triangle meshes are used as an initial approximation to compute smooth silhouettes, suggestive contours, and stippling on implicit surfaces at interactive rates in a sketch-based modeling system.


    1. Burns, M., Klawe, J., Rusinkiewicz, S., Finkelstein, A., and DeCarlo, D. 2005. Line Drawings from Volume Data. ACM Transactions on Graphics 24, 3 (July), 512–518.
    2. Foster, K., Jepp, P., Wyvill, B., Sousa, M. C., Galbraith, C., and Jorge, J. A. 2005. Pen-and-Ink for BlobTree Implicit Models. Computer Graphics Forum 24, 3 (Sept.), 267–276.
    3. Schmidt, R., Wyvill, B., and Galin, E. 2005. Interactive Implicit Modeling with Hierarchical Spatial Caching. In Proc. of Shape Modeling International, IEEE Inc., 104–113.

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