“Interactive Motion Decomposition” by Shapiro, Cao and Faloutsos

  • ©Ari Shapiro, Yong Cao, and Petros Faloutsos

  • ©Ari Shapiro, Yong Cao, and Petros Faloutsos

  • ©Ari Shapiro, Yong Cao, and Petros Faloutsos




    Interactive Motion Decomposition

Session/Category Title:   Motion



    We introduce a novel method for editing the style of motion data through motion decomposition. Our method extracts the style of a motion using linear decomposition based on Independent Component Analysis. The extracted style components are applied to other motions through a variety of editing operations. The resulting motions retain their original basic content while exhibiting the style of a different motion.


    Brand, M., and Hertzmann, A. 2000. Style machines. In Siggraph 2000, Computer Graphics Proceedings, ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH / Addison Wesley Longman, K. Akeley, Ed., 183–192.
    Cao, Y., Faloutsos, P., and Pighin, F. 2003. Unsupervised learning for speech motion editing. In Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Eurographics Association, 225–231.


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