“Inkjet 4D Print: Self-folding Tessellated Origami Objects by Inkjet UV Printing” by Narumi, Koyama, Suto, Noma, Sato, et al. …
- Inkjet 4D Print: Self-folding Tessellated Origami Objects by Inkjet UV Printing
Session/Category Title: Fabrication-Oriented Design
- Koya Narumi
- Kazuki Koyama
- Kai Suto
- Yuta Noma
- Hiroki Sato
- Tomohiro Tachi
- Masaaki Sugimoto
- Takeo Igarashi
- Yoshihiro Kawahara
We propose Inkjet 4D Print, a self-folding fabrication method of 3D origami tessellations by printing 2D patterns on both sides of a heat-shrinkable base sheet, using a commercialized inkjet ultraviolet (UV) printer. Compared to the previous folding-based 4D printing approach using fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers [An et al. 2018], our method has merits in (1) more than 1200 times higher resolution in terms of the number of self-foldable facets, (2) 2.8 times faster printing speed, and (3) optional full-color decoration. This paper describes the material selection, the folding mechanism, the heating condition, and the printing patterns to self-fold both known and freeform tessellations. We also evaluated the self-folding resolution, the printing and transformation speed, and the shape accuracy of our method. Finally, we demonstrated applications enabled by our self-foldable tessellated objects.
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