“Industrial Light & Magic Presents: Deconstructing the Visual Effects of “Transformers: Age of Extinction”” by Farrar, Tubach, Benza and Balog

  • ©Scott Farrar, Patrick Tubach, Scott Benza, and Michael Balog




    Industrial Light & Magic Presents: Deconstructing the Visual Effects of “Transformers: Age of Extinction”


Project Affiliation:

    Industrial Light & Magic


    From the invading alien race that threatens life as we know it to the Autobots that rise up to protect humanity, this panel will discuss the wide-ranging scope of the visual effects work on Michael Bay’s blockbuster ‘Transformers: Age of Extinction.’ The team will cover creative and technical challenges overcome in the areas of asset development, character animation, lighting, digital environments, advanced simulation work and crafting transformations unlike any ever seen before.

Overview Page: