“Incompressible flow simulation on vortex segment clouds” by Xiong, Tao, Zhang, Feng and Zhu

  • ©Shiying Xiong, Rui Tao, Yaorui Zhang, Fan Feng, and Bo Zhu




    Incompressible flow simulation on vortex segment clouds



    We propose a novel Lagrangian geometric representation using segment clouds to simulate incompressible fluid exhibiting strong anisotropic vortical features. The central component of our approach is a cloud of discrete segments enhanced by a set of local segment reseeding operations to facilitate both the geometrical evolution and the topological updates of vortical flow. We build a vortex dynamics solver with the support for dynamic solid boundaries based on discrete segment primitives. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by simulating a broad range of challenging flow phenomena, such as reconnection of non-closed vortex tubes and vortex shedding behind a rotating object.


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