“Identifying & visualizing surface detail on Michelangelo’s David” by Rugis

  • ©John Rugis

  • ©John Rugis




    Identifying & visualizing surface detail on Michelangelo's David



    We present the results of new experiments in which we have identified, characterized, and produced visualizations of selected fine surface detail on Michelangelo’s David statue. Starting with available raw scan data [Levoy et al. 2000], we have applied a number of techniques, both developed and refined by us, including the calculation of curvature maps, 2.5D spatial noise filtering, texture projection merging [Rugis 2006], and image processing assisted physical measurement.


    1. Bracci, S., Falletti, F., Matteini, M., and Scopigno, R., Eds. 2004. Exploring David: Diagnostic Tests and State of Conservation. Giunti, Florence.
    2. Klette, R., and Rosenfeld, A. 2004. Digital Geometry. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco.
    3. Levoy, M., Pulli, K., Curless, B., and Rusinkiewicz, S. 2000. The digital michelangelo project. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2000, ACM Press/ACM SIGGRAPH, K. Akeley, Ed., 131–144.
    4. Rugis, J. 2006. Projecting surface curvature maps. In Full Conference DVD: SIGGRAPH 2006, ACM Press/ACM SIGGRAPH, Research Posters.

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©John Rugis

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