“I want my virtual friends to be life size!: adapting Second Life to multi-screen projected environments” by Haynes, Morie and Chance

  • ©Kip Haynes, Jacquelyn (Jacki) Ford Morie, and Eric Chance

  • ©Kip Haynes, Jacquelyn (Jacki) Ford Morie, and Eric Chance



Entry Number: 60


    I want my virtual friends to be life size!: adapting Second Life to multi-screen projected environments



    Second Life (SL) is a popular 3D online virtual world designed for human interaction (also known as a MUVE, or multi-user virtual environment). It typically supports 60–70 thousand concurrent users. The assets and physical environments within SL are easy to create and use, and the environments themselves are very much part of the human interaction experience. However, the typical means of accessing SL is through a single computer screen, which lessens the immersion that is inherent in such a rich 3D world. Because of this, the SL virtual world is a good candidate for adaptation to large scale immersive displays such as a CAVE™ or other multi projector systems.


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