“Human vision and computer graphics” by Montalvo

  • ©Fanya S. Montalvo




    Human vision and computer graphics



    Is one picture really worth a thousand words? Why do cleverly designed graphic displays make visual information stand out more clearly with strikingly greater impact than numbers buried in pages of computer printout? Graphic output devices shift the burden of integrating information generated by computers onto the human vision system: the sensory channel with the highest capacity for distributed parallel processing. The system consists of hundreds of successive two-dimensional arrays of millions of interconnected parallel computers. Perception seems instantaneous because we are not conscious of the massive amounts of computation that occur. What we consciously “see at a glance” is already a highly structured, synthesized, and summarized version of the actual light intensity mosaic that enters the retina. We will demonstrate some results of the visual structuring that occurs in the human visual system, show why some features stand out instantaneously and others do not, and explain why knowledge of the human input device is crucial to the design of effective computer output devices and displays.


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