“HOT: Hodge-optimized triangulations” by Mullen, Memari, Goes and Desbrun

  • ©Patrick Mullen, Pooran Memari, Fernando de Goes, and Mathieu Desbrun




    HOT: Hodge-optimized triangulations



    We introduce Hodge-optimized triangulations (HOT), a family of well-shaped primal-dual pairs of complexes designed for fast and accurate computations in computer graphics. Previous work most commonly employs barycentric or circumcentric duals; while barycentric duals guarantee that the dual of each simplex lies within the simplex, circumcentric duals are often preferred due to the induced orthogonality between primal and dual complexes. We instead promote the use of weighted duals (“power diagrams”). They allow greater flexibility in the location of dual vertices while keeping primal-dual orthogonality, thus providing a valuable extension to the usual choices of dual by only adding one additional scalar per primal vertex. Furthermore, we introduce a family of functionals on pairs of complexes that we derive from bounds on the errors induced by diagonal Hodge stars, commonly used in discrete computations. The minimizers of these functionals, called HOT meshes, are shown to be generalizations of Centroidal Voronoi Tesselations and Optimal Delaunay Triangulations, and to provide increased accuracy and flexibility for a variety of computational purposes.


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