“Histogram-based HDR video” by Velho

  • ©Luiz Velho

  • ©Luiz Velho




    Histogram-based HDR video



    High Dynamic Range Imaging has gained tremendous importance in recent years. Technology advances consolidated this technique regarding software, hardware and applications. In terms of software, besides programs developed by pioneer researchers, such as HDRShop and Photosphere, HDR support has been incorporated in commercial imaging products, such as Photoshop CS. Moreover, a wide range of HDR formats have been established, for example ILM’s OpenEXR and JPEGHDR. In terms of hardware, camera manufacturers are becoming increasingly aware of the value of tone resolution over spatial resolution, thus facilitating user access to raw image data. At the same time, specialized HDR cameras, such as SpheronVR, have appeared in response to market demands – not to mention the still incipient development of HDR displays, In terms of applications, the special effects industry have embraced Image-Based Lighting techniques, which completely rely on HDR data. Also, amateurs and professional photographers alike are showing great enthusiasm for the creative possibilities of HDR. As an evidence of this fact, the Flickr group on HDR has currently 10,000 members exhibiting more than 55,000 tonemapped pictures.


    1. Kang, S. B., Uyttendaele, M., Winder, S., and Szeliski, R. 2003. High dynamic range video. ACM TOG 22, 3, 319–325.
    2. Robertson, M., Borman, S., and Stevenson, R. 1999. Dynamic range improvement through multiple exposures. In Proceedings of ICIP, vol. 3, 159–163.

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©Luiz Velho ©Luiz Velho ©Luiz Velho

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