“High-resolution, real-time-geometry video acquisition” by Zhang, Royer and Yau
Interest Area:
- Emerging Technologies Sketches
- High-resolution, real-time-geometry video acquisition
Session/Category Title: Novel Methods for Capturing and Creating Images
This video-acquisition system measures absolute coordinates of objects accurately. The data-acquisition speed is 90fps and 266K points per frame. Acquisition, reconstruction, and display are simultaneously realized at 30fps.
1. Zhang, S., and Huang, P. 2004. High-resolution, real-time 3-d shape acquisition. In IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Work-shop on Real-time 3D Sensors and Their Uses, vol. 3, 28–37.]]
2. Zhang, S. 2005. High-Resolution, Real-Time 3-D Shape Measurement. PhD thesis, Stony Brook University, State University of New York.]]
3. Zhang, L., Snavely, N., Curless, B., and Seitz, S. M. 2004. Space-time faces: High-resolution capture for modeling and animation. In SIGGRAPH, 548–558.]]