“High dynamic range display systems” by Seetzen, Heidrich, Stuerzlinger, Whitehead, Trentacoste, et al. …

  • ©Helge Seetzen, Wolfgang Heidrich, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Lorne Whitehead, Matthew Trentacoste, Abhijeet Ghosh, and Andrejs Vorozcovs


    The dynamic range of many real-world environments exceeds the capabilities of current display technology by several orders of magnitude. In this paper we discuss the design of two different display systems that are capable of displaying images with a dynamic range much more similar to that encountered in the real world. The first display system is based on a combination of an LCD panel and a DLP projector, and can be built from off-the-shelf components. While this design is feasible in a lab setting, the second display system, which relies on a custom-built LED panel instead of the projector, is more suitable for usual office workspaces and commercial applications. We describe the design of both systems as well as the software issues that arise. We also discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two designs and potential applications for both systems.


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