“High-contrast computational caustic design” by Schwartzburg, Testuz, Pauly and Tagliasacchi

  • ©Yuliy Schwartzburg, Romain Testuz, Mark Pauly, and Andrea Tagliasacchi




    High-contrast computational caustic design

Session/Category Title:   Games & Design




    We present a new algorithm for computational caustic design. Our algorithm solves for the shape of a transparent object such that the refracted light paints a desired caustic image on a receiver screen. We introduce an optimal transport formulation to establish a correspondence between the input geometry and the unknown target shape. A subsequent 3D optimization based on an adaptive discretization scheme then finds the target surface from the correspondence map. Our approach supports piecewise smooth surfaces and non-bijective mappings, which eliminates a number of shortcomings of previous methods. This leads to a significantly richer space of caustic images, including smooth transitions, singularities of infinite light density, and completely black areas. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with several simulated and fabricated examples.


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