“Harnessing chaos for image synthesis” by Barnsley, Jacquin, Malassenet, Reuter and Sloan

  • ©Michael F. Barnsley, Arnaud Jacquin, Francois Malassenet, Laurie Reuter, and Alan D. Sloan




    Harnessing chaos for image synthesis



    Chaotic dynamics can be used to model shapes and render textures in digital images. This paper addresses the problem of how to model geometrically shapes and textures of two dimensional images using iterated function systems. The successful solution to this problem is demonstrated by the production and processing of synthetic images encoded from color photographs. The solution is achieved using two algorithms: (1) an interactive geometric modeling algorithm for finding iterated function system codes; and (2) a random iteration algorithm for computing the geometry and texture of images defined by iterated function system codes. Also, the underlying mathematical framework, where these two algorithms have their roots, is outlined. The algorithms are illustrated by showing how they can be used to produce images of clouds, mist and surf, seascapes and landscapes and even faces, all modeled from original photographs. The reasons for developing iterated function systems algorithms include their ability to produce complicated images and textures from small databases, and their potential for highly parallel implementation.


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